- Strategic Goals
Güncelleme Tarihi: 20 January 2020
Visitors: 1392
Strategic Goals
In line with its aim of being an academic institution at the national and international level, it conducts high-quality research and education activities, engages its students and other segments of the society, has high student and employee satisfaction, supports innovative and entrepreneurial education, adopts a multidisciplinary approach and educates qualified individuals that our country needs. To be an institution that has a developed corporate identity is sensitive to being beneficial to society, and is a regional attraction center in cooperation with all kinds of stakeholders.
Increasing/developing the capacity to conduct qualified and effective research
Development of physical and operational infrastructure related to R & D
Increasing scientific and innovative studies that create added value
Improving the infrastructure and quality of education programs
Developing students' learning desires and capacities
Improving the sense of internal communication, cooperation, and belonging
Improving working conditions for academic and administrative staff
Within this framework, efforts will be made to educate students as educators who are competent to work, sensitive to the environment and society, respecting ethical values, and constantly renewing themselves.