Güncelleme Tarihi: 09 January 2020

Visitors: 1063

Useful Links

  • Where can I find the DGS (Vertical Transfer Exam) guide and application information?

Detailed information is available on the OSYM website: https://www.osym.gov.tr/TR,8862/hakkinda.html

  • Where can I access the BOLOGNA Information System fo Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University?

The relevant link is available at: https://obs.bandirma.edu.tr/oibs/bologna/

  • How can I find the information about the Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University Academic Calendar?

Available at the following link: https://www.bandirma.edu.tr/tr/www/Sayfa/Goster/2017---2018-EGITIM-OGRETIM-YILI-AKADEMIK-TAKVIMI-2

  • Where can I get student forms or sample petitions?

The relevant link is available at: https://gonen.bandirma.edu.tr/tr/gonen/Sayfa/Goster/1319